We are

A team of AI/ML experts with experience of building solutions across the commodities value chain.

A team of Experts

Our backstory means we have strong domain knowledge across commodities markets.

SourceHorizontal was founded in 2022 by a team of young data scientists, mathematicians and entrepreneurs. Our team has a large range of experience across software development and IT project management. We specialize in bespoke custom-built AI solutions in the commodities and manufacturing sectors. We believe in the importance of domain knowledge and have a team with a strong background in building solutions for process-driven industries. We believe that with a holistic view of commodities and manufacturing industries, we can better understand how to target solutions to particular problems in specific parts of the value chain.

We believe that there is a huge opportunity for application of AI-driven tech to enterprise-level tasks. But for this opportunity to be realized at scale we understand the need for solutions to be user-friendly. For this reason we are laser focused on integrating our solutions seamlessly into current operations, simple user-interface and an as-standard collaborative, constantly-iterative development approach to produce customer-focused products that can aid operators and decision-makers across your business.

We are a global team, based in Houston, Texas. 

Our team also shares a belief in the power of AI to help the free market innovate solutions in areas where demands for government regulation are growing. We know the tendency of governments to strangle industry with red tape. We believe AI and ML has the power to prove to law-makers that industry can solve problems faster, more accurately and effectively than heavy-handed, one-size-fits-all regulations. AI and ML will have a hugely disruptive impact on the regulatory space, and we can see that enlightened law-makers are beginning to understand the huge success that industry is having in using AI and ML to preempt and solve potential problems. We are hugely excited and passionate about this area of our work


Years of building together




Years of collective experience


Projects completed


David Stefanov

Co-founder and CEO

Ujval Desai

Co-founder and CTO

Ben Valdmets

Chief Marketing Officer

Gary Mason

Chief Operating Officer

Speak to An
Expert, today

The digital transformation of your business begins with a conversation. No sales pitch. No powerpoint slides. No off-the-shelf product demos. Call us and speak immediately to one of our experts about your business’s specific needs and let us imagine a solution together. Then let’s build it.